Water the Roots: Let the Leaves Take Care of Themselves
(Learning to Communicate Like an Expert)
Author: Anil Bhatnagar
Publisher: Global Business Press
Pages: xx+255
Availability: Out of print/Now Being rewritten as Five Wise Monkeys (scroll below)
ISBN 81-7240-127-2
Water the Roots was declared winner of India’s 2nd ‘best’ book award (among all categories of books published in 2001) by Indian Society for Training & Development.
"I have been a student of the communication process for over 40 years, and I learned much from Anil's book that I will use in my career and personal life. “Water the Roots" will occupy a premier spot in my library".
--William Cottringer, Ph.D, Success Coach, College Professor and Author of "You Can Have Your Cheese & Eat It Too." EE Publishing, USA
"If by some twist of fate, you found yourself on a desert island or shut in a room for a year and could only have one book, a good choice would be "Water the Roots" by Anil Bhatnagar. The author's spiritual and intellectual discipline shines through from every topic he tackles and he invites you to join him in that discipline."
--Ira Chaleff, Founder and President of 'Executive Coaching & Consulting Associates', Washington, DC USA, and author of 'The Courageous Follower'
“Communication failure is the real disease; the rest are merely the symptoms. When we nourish the roots or treat the disease, the unhealthy symptoms begin to vanish on their own, and the whole plant or organization becomes progressively healthier”. Based on this simple premise, Water the Roots is a profound book written by a doer who has the first-hand experience of transforming his own life by consciously and deliberately compelling himself to learn to communicate like an expert. The book covers the entire gamut of skills that enable us to communicate better and with greater results.
The book is divided into four broad sections:
- Interpersonal Communication: Factors that influence communication; Common reasons for breakdown of communication, and acquiring skills for effective communication
- Listening: How to listen effectively; barriers to listening; listening involves four skills; techniques for improving listening skills and seven ways to further improve your listening skills; points for action; Do’s and Don’ts
- Remembering: Importance; what is memory; factors affecting memory; barriers t memory; what remembering involves; techniques for improving your registering, retaining and recalling skills; mnemonics; points for action; Do’s and Don’ts
- Speaking: What is effective speaking? effective speaking involves eight stages; barriers to effective speaking; how to speak effectively; techniques for improving speaking skills; public speaking; using visual aids; impromptu speeches; points for action; Do’s and Don’ts.
Salient Features:
- Exhaustive, well structured, systematic, practical, comprehensive and holistic in approach.
- Cross references among all the chapters to provide the reader with a wholesome understanding of the subject.
- Deft handling of the subject through relevant anecdotes, research-based scientific theories and statistics, stories, examples, analogies, step-by-step easy and practical exercises (e.g., to relax mind and body and to stay focused), check-lists, metaphors and jokes keeps the reader engrossed
- ‘Boxes’ at appropriate places throughout the book containing related relevant information and important tips
- Each chapter begins with a pictorial road-map of the journey to be covered in it
- Well-illustrated with over 25 illustrations
- Every chapter begins with inspiring introduction providing the reader with reasons to maximise learning, and concludes with points for action and Do’s & Don’ts.
- Detailed (10 pages) Index