Success 24 X 7: Ten Sure Ways to Corporate & Personal Success

Author: Anil Bhatnagar
Publisher: Wisdom Tree
Pages: xiv+266
Availability: Paperback
ISBN 81-8328-005-6



 “What distinguishes this book from the run-of-the-mill guidebooks is the thorough research that has gone into it. The author has drawn upon a wealth of success-scientific, mystical and literary to lend weight to his theories”.

-- Training and Management, Feb. 2002.

"Success 24 x 7' is a seminal work decoding the subtle spiritual principles that when practiced correctly manifest themselves in the world as true all-round success. Success 24 X 7, indeed is Anil's precious gift to his readers."

--Ira Chaleff, President, Executive Coaching & Consulting Associates, Washington DC, Chairman, Board of the Congressional Management Foundation and award-winning author of 'The Courageous Follower'

"Anil Bhatnagar has done it again in Success 24 x 7. Only this time his total commitment to Latent Oneness has accurately and completely captured the entire story of life. The legacy Anil will leave, is the sound, practical, and ingeniously simple prescription for success in life that he graciously and lovingly offers to us. I now have a mini-library of Anil's works that grace my office credenza and this latest book is purposely in the very center."

--Dr William Cottringer, Professional Success Coach & Author of the best seller, You Can Have Your Cheese & Eat It Too

Imagine the frustration of someone who is helplessly witnessing his TV set behaving erratically--unmindful of the sleek remote underneath the seat-cushion he is sitting on.

Episodes of success or failure whether at work or at home, when tracked, often reveal chains of improbable (if not erratic) events or coincidences leading to the eventual outcome. Could it be possible that we may ourselves be causing these chains of improbable events or coincidences, even though only unknowingly, through some subtle unknown mechanism that operates in the world that lies beyond our sensory world? Our physical-self and the physical reality that we are surrounded with are only the physical manifestations of a latent non-physical reality and are therefore quite inadequate in themselves as inputs for our understanding of the total picture and/or to influence it.

  • With every thought and every action of ours, we are sending precise signals to the ‘remote’ of latent energy-field that our universe is, and, in turn, are triggering certain outcomes on the physical-plane as per its programming (or laws). If we care to understand these laws, we would come to know how some patterns of our thoughts and reactions that we have developed though only inadvertently have been responsible for drawing to us the circumstances we have been in--and how we could modify these to result in what we are seeking--be it self-growth, happiness, prosperity or success: personal or organisational.

Whether you are an individual or a corporate team, if you think that despite working so hard, success is still eluding you, this unusually thought-provoking, incredibly powerful and user-friendly book is for you, for it introduces you to ten secret laws of Nature that can be harnessed to give you assured round the clock happiness and success—at work as well as at home.


The book is divided into three parts:

  • The Mechanism makes the reader aware of a hidden and subtle mechanism working behind all happenings—favourable or unfavourable.
  • The Reprogrammingcomprises ten chapters that introduce the reader, one by one, tothe ten principles or laws of Nature which s/he can begin to consciously use by reprogramming her/his mental software to attract professional and personal success. Each of these ten chapters comprises:
    • An inspiring story to introduce the particular Natural principle the chapter is all about
    • The Lesson: The learning points based on the principle
    • The challenge: Myths, erroneous beliefs and reasons that keep us from practicing the principle in personal and professional life
    • The suggestions: Practical tips on practicing the principle in personal and professional life
  • Making the Commitmentinspiringly makes the reader see the need to put to use all that s/he learns in this book.

Salient Features:

  • Exhaustive, well structured, systematic, practical, comprehensive and holistic in approach.
  • Cross references among all the chapters to provide the reader with a wholesome understanding of the subject.
  • Deft handling of the subject through relevant anecdotes, research-based scientific theories and statistics, stories, examples, analogies, step-by-step easy and practical exercises (e.g. such as visualization exercises based on NLP or goal-setting exercises), check-lists, metaphors and jokes keeps the reader engrossed
  • ‘Boxes’ at appropriate places throughout the book containing related relevant information and important tips (e.g., affirmations to develop an attitude of gratitude at work and at home)
  • Detailed glossary (13 pages) of important terms
  • Holistic approach to bear upon the problems posed by the modern workplace and even by life in general.
  • Entire book sprinkled with telling quotes of thinkers down the ages.